Gerlach NATUR whisk


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37,40 ₴

Natur - out of love and respect for nature

The Natur line was inspired by the beauty of the nature that surrounds us. It consists of pots, pans, knives and kitchen accessories. All products in this collection are safe for both human health and the environment. They are distinguished by their colours and natural wood elements (oak, teak, beech or acacia). They fit into kitchens both traditional and those in loft and rustic style.

Gerlach egg beater is a practical whisk, ideal especially for whisking eggs or preparing cakes for pancakes. It is made of flexible steel coated with high-quality black silicone, which does not contain toxic substances (PTFE, nylon), making it completely safe for health. The handle of the whisk, on the other hand, is a hard, very durable wood obtained from acacia.

The whisk will not scratch surfaces and can be used on non-stick cookware.

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Linia Natur

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